马克思在《雾月十八日》对于资本主义社会中的国家的讨论,开启了后来马克思主义者关于【国家自主性】的研究——也就是被Michael Mann所调侃的,“国家的相对自主性”到底有多相对、多自主?
这个在20世纪70年代左右的争论被称为The Miliband–Poulantzas debate,例如:
Miliband R. Poulantzas and the capitalist state[J]. New Left Review, 1973, 82(1): 83-93.
Poulantzas N. The capitalist state: a reply to Miliband and Laclau[J]. New Left Review, 1976, 95(1): 63-83.
这就不得不提Bob Jessop。当然,他也不仅是国家理论研究者,也是批判实在论、调节学派、文化的政治经济学等方面的代表人物。
In 1975 I moved to the Department of Government at the University of Essex and began teaching in the areas of political sociology, historical sociology, state theory, and political economy. After fifteen years of exile in a political science department I came to Lancaster University allegedly to profess sociology once again. In fact I'm still doing much the same as I did in political science, namely, attempting to be a theoretical jack-of-all-trades in the social sciences.